Wha whaaaa . . . Fish Magnets?
What began as Southwestern styled prop for a Nordstrom fashion show, a fossily-looking fish skeleton, would soon become something more practical, a refrigerator magnet. As a prop, the fish were made of poster board and fluorescent tempura paint and hung on a bright orange string. The models wore them as waist chains to add a little dazzle to their neon colored swim wear as they strode down the runway under black lights. After the show and several requests for the waist chains, the skeletons evolved into “fish refrigerator magnets,” and a new business I began in the 1990s. Soon, the magnets were available in stores and catalogs throughout the U.S. and appeared on the refrigerators of several TV shows that included Friends and Seinfeld. Now you can get your own "Friends" set or select another collection.
Wholesale available! Get a color mix or the black and whites! Learn more.

The Friends Fish Magnets collection
The same ones you can see on Monica's and Rachel's fridge!

They're cool, they're chill, they will relax on the frige and hold up a photo or whateva!

The Squad
Who doesn't want a fish squad hanging on the fridge?

Urban Vibe
These fish have street smarts, they've been around the block once or twice before. A cool, avant-garde, vibe!

Daring, sketch, this set will start convos in the kitchen!

Black, white, a red baracuda, and a buddy in blue, they're all pals!

A little edgy, a lot of bright color!